Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season!



The holiday season is filled with various events and social gatherings. Most of these occasions are overloaded with sugary-treats. From cakes and cookies, to eggnog and hot chocolate – sugar is everywhere! While we do not discourage the occasional Christmas cookie, we do encourage you to choose the healthier options when possible. At Norton Dental Guelph, we’ve got a few helpful tips for you to have a healthy holiday season.

You’d be surprised how you can enjoy the holidays (without the sugar)! Here are a few ideas and tips to help you out:

1. Swap cakes and baked goods for fresh fruit. You can decorate or arrange fruit into fun Christmas shapes to keep things feeling festive!

2. Swap sugary drinks for naturally-flavoured sparkling water instead. You can put it into a champagne or wine glass to make it feel like a party!

3. Use healthy fats such as avocados instead of butter. You can make chocolate pudding out of an avocado base!

4. Swap out your veggie dip for hummus instead!

5. If you are going to eat chocolate, instead of white or milk chocolate, try dark chocolate instead! It has tannins, which are a strong antioxidant that help prevent cavities by inhibiting bacteria from sticking to your teeth.

6. Drink plenty of water! Make sure to wash away and food or sugar lingering in your mouth after a meal with water.

7. Keep up your good at-home oral hygiene routine. It’s a busy time of year, but it’s one of the most important things to remember! Your smile will thank you!

These little changes can make all the difference. Keep your smile healthy and strong this holiday season! Contact us at Norton Dental located in Guelph for your professional dental check up and exam.

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